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Volunteer training (outline to be fleshed out later)
gen info on MCs
Dress modestly
Religious sisters
For Jesus
People of prayer/silence
Cultural differences

you will get sick
dont come to work
lice-> scarf/shampoo/oil

wash hands
street safety
women-- arms up through group of guys
beggars --- nothing
sat/sun  -- on

6am mass DOORS CLOSE
7am breakfast
730 leave
8-12 morning shift (PLEASE BE ON TIME)
12-3 break
3-530 afternoon shift
630 adoration/evening prayer (6, thursday/sun)

May not get to choose
morning vs afternoon
not what we do but how much love we put into it

sr. karina and sr lilliana

go to a diff center? NO NO NO
Make a comitment 

Last day PASS from Sr. Karina

Shisu Bavan
FOR Girls only
CHildren + handicapped
Teach them?  3-6 yrs old

Nabo Jibon
Older Children handicapped
brother MCs run it
~Eat lunch with the brothers

Daya Dan
Handicapped children 6-15
2 levels Up/down (More/less handicapped)

Ghandi center
School for street children

Shanti dan
children (NOT ORPHANS)
only For girls
women- mental problems

Prem Dan
A LOT of work available
Long term care
Sit with patients

Nirmal Hriday
Dying and destitute
at one point 77,000 total, only 35,000 died

(Talk to sister)
Have 3 initial choices

Prem Dan:
Please send more volunteers

Leper colony on thursdays

You can leave after you talk with sister.